White paper

Mitigating risk in the digital age

A roadmap to AI-enhanced adverse media screening

As money laundering remains a dynamic threat and regulators enforce anti-money laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) guidelines with hefty fines, risk management functions are turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to help optimize their adverse media screening processes and better protect their organizations, their customers, and themselves.

This white paper is your guide to strategically assessing AI-based adverse media screening tools, and includes: 

  • Five key considerations to keep in mind as you evaluate potential solutions 
  • Practical explanations of what types of data and AI you should care about 
  • 14 questions to ask vendors to help you understand what you're really buying 
  • A checklist to guide your conversations with potential providers

Download the white paper to learn how to start improving your adverse media screening processes today.

About the white paper

Your guide to AI for adverse media screening

Those responsible for adverse media screening within their organizations know: efforts in this area can often be incomplete.

AI-based adverse media screening tools can help fill in many of those gaps, offering greater precision and efficiency than traditional offerings.

But where do you start? What do you look for in an AI solution?

This white paper guides you through assessing AI-powered adverse media screening tools—what types of AI and data to look for, plus key questions to ask vendors to understand their solutions. 

Get the white paper →

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