AI insights survey: Adopters, skeptics, and why it matters.
To understand the current adoptions and usage of AI tools in the daily operations of financial services marketing and compliance teams, we surveyed over 100 leaders in U.S. financial institutions. Our survey responses span from junior managers to top executives, and covered departments of all sizes. Dive into this ebook to learn more about...
- Who's on board with AI in marketing and compliance teams, and who's not
- The benefits of AI, and why teams not leveraging the technology might be opening themselves up to risk
- The essential AI capabilities and concerns that compliance and marketing teams should consider
Ebook snippet
Three decades ago, the buzzword in financial services was “digital transformation.” Organizations invested heavily in digitizing manual and analog operations to improve performance and enable rapidly evolving smart technologies. Today, leaders are integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into those digital ecosystems to work even smarter. Harnessing the capabilities of machine learning, image recognition, natural language processing, and more, organizations are starting to use AI to analyze vast datasets, detect language patterns, and streamline operations. AI is revolutionizing the financial services sector by empowering chatbots, reducing repetitive tasks, automating transactions, and strengthening defenses against fraud—boosting efficiency, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness.