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How a fintech platform was able to create content faster and reduce compliance review times with SaifrReview

The business issue


A leading fintech platform for alternative investments with $4T+ AUM was seeking a modernized solution that would reduce time to review and publish marketing content, automate compliance workflow, and alert marketing users to potential compliance risks. With hundreds of content pieces to review every quarter and faced with growing demand, the client needed to improve efficiency and manage costs while maintaining compliance with regulatory rules.

The solution


The client went live with SaifrReview, Saifr’s AI-powered collaborative workflow solution, in December 2022 with 50 seats for their compliance, marketing, and legal teams. Adoption was high from the very start, and they now have several power users. 

The client uses Saifr to create and manage the end-to-end content review workflow, including running scans using Saifr's proprietary AI to flag potentially non-compliant content for corrective edits, capturing comment and edit history, and recording stakeholder review and approval.

The results


Since implementing SaifrReview, the client has been able to:

  • Create more compliant content faster by improving the review process of over 1,000 marketing materials, including videos
  • Empower marketing users to create more compliant first drafts of content for compliance review, with the assistance of AI, leading to improved collaboration between both teams
  • Confidently manage a high volume of marketing content for their clients and prospects

Client improvement experiences are for representative purposes only. Results may vary based on different factors unique to a financial institution and its customer base. 1142551.1.0